Journey Insights – the Shamanic Experience

The Triskele represents the past, present, and future

In the Celtic Tradition, like all Shamanic Traditions world-wide, there is another world of Spirit Energy that exists both within and outside time. This “Other World” or “non-Ordinary Reality” can be connected with simply to gain insight and wisdom.

Humankind has always had the ability to connect to “Non-Ordinary Reality”, a world of Spirit that is easily tapped into and is safely available to everyone. All that is required is an openness to the possibility and a willingness to briefly let go of “Everyday Reality”.

To learn more about this ancient method of seeking insight and guidance to assist in navigating life’s journey or to arrange a session contact me, Jim Powers, at jpowers1741@gmail, or 860-967-7103

Shamanic Journeys for the Modern Soul